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Practical Tips to Achieve Peace of Mind

There are definitely times in your life when we feel overwhelmed and confused. The political climate and the 24/7 news or fake news cycle has left us without a firm anchor to guide our thoughts and decisions. Now more than ever we may even feel like our head is spinning and there are no solutions to our problems. This is a difficult place to be but we all experience it at one time or another. Can we even imagine being in a state of peace? Exactly what is peace of mind and can it help us get through these trying times?

It has been described as a state of mental and emotional calmness – no worries, fears, or stress. Your mind is quiet and you experience happiness and freedom. Think back to one of your best vacations ever. Did you experience that mental happiness and freedom? Did you achieve peace of mind? No matter where we are in our life right now, most of us have had an experience of happiness, contentment and freedom. It is that experience we strive for when life gets more difficult. Here are a couple of perspectives on developing peace of mind:

How to Have Peace of Mind (wikiHow)

Developing Peace of Mind

  1. Breathe: intentional breathing is a powerful way to create peace of mind. Emotions and breathing are closely connected. Slow your breath and your emotions will calm down. Breathing will reduce cortisol – the stress hormone and activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

  2. Exercise: one of the best things you can do for body and mind

  • Lifts mood by flooding the brain with endorphins and serotonin

  • Boosts energy and reduces fatigue

  • Improves sleep and chronic insomnia

  • Reduces risk for diseases – e.g. cardiovascular disease and diabetes type 2

  1. Get enough sunlight: sunlight produces Vitamin D in the body; raises serotonin levels

  2. Pursue the ‘flow state’: flow state is where you are completely involved in an activity without overthinking things; doing things you love and when you are being challenged in a way that is suitable to your abilities

  3. Be generous: generosity causes us to be happier and increase piece of mind; giving away money can decrease cortisol levels

  4. Cultivate gratitude: gratefulness decreases stress and increases things like optimism and life satisfaction

  5. Join a community: connecting with people gives us an endless stream of peace and happiness

  6. Express yourself: creative art can be a powerful source of happiness and peace of mind

wikiHow, How to Have Peace of Mind

Tips and Advice for Peace of Mind

  1. Minimize the time you spend on reading newspapers or watching the news on TV

  2. Stay away from negative conversations and negative people

  3. Don’t hold grudges. Learn to forgive and forget

  4. Don’t be jealous of others. Jealousy and low self esteem often lead to lack of peace of mind

  5. Accept what cannot be changed

  6. Don’t dwell in the past. The past is not here anymore so why dwell on it?

  7. Learn to be more patient and tolerant with family, friends, coworkers, employees, and everyone else

  8. Don’t take everything too personally. A certain degree of emotional and mental detachment is very helpful

  9. Learn to focus your mind

  10. Meditation – even a few minutes a day will make a difference in your life

These tips and advice are practical approaches to attain peace of mind. All of these tips require attention and intention. Your choices are your own and that goes for peace of mind also.

Peace of Mind: tips and Advice by Remez Sasson

Sasson,R. Peace of Mind Tips and Advice. Retrieved December 17, 2015 from

wikiHow. How to have peace of mind. Retrieved December 17, 2015 from

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