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We Made It to 2018!

Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth. "

- Mark Twain

We made it to 2018!! Some years there is more cause for celebration of the New Year than others. Let’s just say I am glad we are in 2018. Like most people I know I am marking this as a time of new beginnings. I love the energy of a fresh start. The feeling that everything is possible is so prevalent at the beginning of the year and so diminished at the end. This year I am going about this new start with a new perspective so that I have the same positive energy surrounding me at the end of 2018.

The chaos of 2017 pushed me into learning some new skills for handling my life and all that is part of it. I have a renewed love of mindfulness meditation. It has been years since I have practiced and I have missed it. As with any skill that you are taking up again – there is some frustration with my progress – especially since I was successful in my practice before. You just think you can jump right back in where you left off. There are some benefits of understanding what you are doing. But the challenges of patience, perseverance and consistency still need to be met with energy everyday.

I am not making any New Year resolutions - but, I do have lofty goals. What is the difference? Resolutions are contradictory to brain function. There are very real reasons why most of us do not successfully stick with our resolutions. The energy of the new year and clean slate gives way to feelings of failure. That certainly isn’t a very good way to start the new year.

Our brain loves a challenge and you can change your brain. Make 2018 the year that you dig in and embrace change and live it consistently.

Have a very Inspired and Brain Healthy New Year!!!

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