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Growing New Brain Cells

Lifestyle accounts for a 75% risk of developing dementia. With that in mind I wrote the Healthy Brain for Life Program. I go through the six different lifestyle modules that promote brain health and prevent Alzheimer's disease: Move/Physical Exercise; Challenge/Mental Stimulation; Nourish/Nutrition; Connect/Socialization; Sleep; Calm/Stress Reduction. Although these modules produce a lot of 'aha' moments, it is important that I communicate that you have to live this lifestyle consistently in order to change your brain. To make this a little easier to get this lifestyle started, I provide 'Ideas To Get You Started' with each module. Then it becomes a little easier to start living your life in a brain healthy way.

I have written a lot about these different brain healthy ways to live your life. But I have never shared the 'Ideas To Get You Started'. For the next six newsletters I will release the 'Ideas' for each of the different modules.

The first module is Move/Physical Exercise. We were made to move. Our brain needs the 20% of carbohydrates, oxygen and blood from each and every heartbeat to turn into energy for the prefrontal cortex (executive function part of the brain) to work. Physical exercise also releases BDNF - Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor. This hormone serves as a fertilizer to help new neurons to sprout from brain stem cells. You are growing new brain cells when you are physically active.

I know you are excited now to incorporate physical exercise into your everyday life. Here are some 'Ideas To Get You Started':

The Healthy Brain for Life Program

MOVE – Physical Exercise

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Take daily or nightly walks with family or friends.

Physical exercise two or three times per week reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Get a pedometer or use your smart phone to keep track of your steps per day. Aim high – 10,000 steps per day!

Consider dance classes. Pattern dance, waltz, tango or polka all work great. If you are really ambitious try out those jitterbug steps from long ago.

Put some resistance training in your exercise schedule. Resistance training improves muscle mass and increases our slowing metabolism.

Any aerobic exercise can get your heart beating faster. Consider swimming or biking. If you are not mobile - take a look at doing chair exercises.

Keep a journal of the benefits you experience from exercising.

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